Title : Green-Eyed Demon
Series : Sabine Kane #3
Release date : February 2011
Publisher : Little Brown Company
Genre : Urban Fantasy
Sabine’s twin sister Maisie has been kidnapped by their evil vampire grandmother Lavinia. Now the journey has taken Sabine and her side-kicks mage Adam & demon Giguhl, them to New Orleans. The council has given them a mission; find Lavinia and stop her before she summons Cain and if that means they find Maisie along the way, that’s a bonus. But Sabine’s priority is her sister and will do anything in her power to save her.
Sabine’s relationship with Adam is getting stronger, but she is still questioning every emotion and doesn’t give in easily. Then the danger around them builds up and she realizes it might be the last chance they have together.
Green-Eyed Demon by Jaye Wells is the third novel in her Sabine Kane Series and it seems the books are getting better and better. It’s full of action, danger, some kick-ass characters and determination to succeed.
Sabine has team-up with Adam and Giguhl in the last book and I’m happy to see that it’s still the same, but once in awhile Sabine forgets and goes hunting on her own, which will sometime leads to trouble.
The attraction between Adam and Sabine is growing by the minute, but for some silly reasons she holds back. Adam is patience and is taking a lot of “cold” showers, but he is determined to make her see that they belong together.
We meet some great new secondary characters; a human voodoo priestess, a drag queen and a female werewolf, who all come along on this journey to stop the evil Lavinia for calling Cain back. Maisie has a rough time in this novel, being tortured that way, so Lavinia can hurt Sabine, but payback is a bitch as Lavinia gets what she deserves.
As I said before the books are getting better and better, so this novel is definitely worth your time to read. You are in for a fabulous ride on a roller coaster.
3 dagen geleden
O man, this series has been on my have-to-read list for a while now, and now you too think this is a great series. I'll have to make it a priority ...
This is one of the best series I have read lately....so you definitely have to check it out.
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