Title : Slave to Sensation
Series : Psy – Changeling #1
Release date : September 5th, 2006
Publisher : Berkley Sensation
Genre : Paranormal Romance
Sascha Duncan is a Psy, which is a race of psychic humans. The Psy-race have perfected their race and put a program together where every psychic is locked in. All the Psy are programmed from birth, so they feel no emotion but Sascha is different. She’s hiding her defects from childhood behind a strong mental shield, because all the less powerful ones will be send away for reprogramming and never come back normal.
Her new assignment is to work with a group changelings, a pack of shape shifters cats. Lucas Hunter is the alpha of the Dark River pack and he wants to work with the Psy on a business level. But he has other motives, he thinks one or more of the Psy is killing members of his pack and Sascha might be his key inside.
Slave to Sensation by Nalini Singh is the first novel in her Psy-Changeling series and a fabulous beginning. I’ve already read Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunters Series and love her writing, so I wasn’t surprised that I fell for this series too.
The contrast between the Psy and the Changeling is huge; you could say they are the opposites of each other. Psy humans don’t have emotions, where the Changelings feel them all the time. Sascha is one of the exceptions in the Psy race and she knows that she has to hide if from her mother and her superiors or face the worst thing that could happen to a Psy.
When Sascha and Lucas meet each other, they act like all the others before them, cold and distance. But Lucas soon discover that Sascha is different and know his plan to use her in his investigation will be a bad idea. When the romance between them begins to grow, it’s hot and very passionate.
Besides Lucas and Sascha we mostly meet characters of the Changeling society and I wouldn’t mind to read more about some of those characters, especially Vaughn and Hawke.
I cannot believe I’ve waited so long to start this series, I have some of the books on my shelves for ages, but for some reason I ignore them. Now it seems that a new addiction is born, so I promise to continue with this series soon. I know this journey will be fabulous.
3 dagen geleden
Ooo Natasja, I can't believe you have not yet read them! You sure are in for some great books and novellas in this series! Talking about awesome! Glad you like it.
Yeah, I cannot believe it either...I had the first couple of books on my shelves for ages. I recently read the first one and fell in love...so I will continue with this series soon....very soon....
This series is seriously addicting. Make sure you have the next books because if you're like me and started late, your going to want to read them one after another! Glad you liked this series, its a FAV of mine
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