Title : Demons are a girl’s best friend
Series : Demons #1
Release date : April 1, 2011
Publisher : Sourcebooks Casablanca
Genre : Urban Fantasy
A bewitching woman on a mission...
Feisty witch Maggie enjoys her work as a paranormal law enforcement officer-that is, until she's assigned to protect a teenager with major attitude and plenty of Mayan enemies. Maggie's never going to survive this assignment without the help of a half-fire demon who makes her smolder...
A hotter-than-sin hero with an agenda...
Declan is proprietor of an underground club and busy demon portal. No way he'll allow his demon race to be blamed for the malicious acts of some crazy evil Mayans. But he's already got his hands full when the sexy witch offers him a challenge he can't refuse...
Demons are a girl’s best friend by Linda Wisdom is the first book in her Demons Series. I’ll not run around the bush I liked this book, it has all the great things I loved to see in a good read; fabulous main and secondary characters, good storyline and some great humor.
Maggie is a strong witch and part of the Hellion Guard, a paranormal enforcement group. During her last assignment she meets half breed fire demon Declan in his night club and the attraction between them is huge. They both know that a relationship is not something they seek, but tell that to their hearts.
I loved Elle, the little spider that can transfer herself on Maggie’s body or clothes as protection. Her comments and action are hilarious.
I love her writing and I know Linda Wisdom has another great series, so I’m definitely going to check those out. She has a way to amuse readers when they are deep into the story and I liked that.
I also loved the fact that this is an Urban Fantasy novel mixed with some humor.
3 dagen geleden
Hmm a book with a Spider. I hate spiders. Will that change?
Don't worry about the spider...she is a good one and you will love her.
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