Title: The last ride of the reverse cowgirls
Release date: May 20th, 2011
Publisher: Lillibridge Press
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Andy Sutton is a werewolf and a cop for the supernatural. His main job is to stop and catch the supernatural beings in his own realm as well in the human world. His current assignment is running in the human world, leaving behind a trail of castrated victims. But Andy is called back by the head of ICI; he has to catch a serial killer, a vampire who’s draining his female victims during their passionate moments.
Human cops cannot find anything at the crime scenes, they are completely clean. Andy soon discovers that the victim’s bank accounts are empty. He knows that he has to catch this master vampire and his human minion before the human world discovers that paranormal creatures really exist.
The Last Ride of the Reserve Cowgirls by John Anderson is a great novel and the first I’ve read by this author. The author contacted me and asked me if I was interested in reviewing his book and after reading the book description I couldn’t say no. I knew this novel was going to be so much different than the books I normally read, but I didn’t mind.
This book was a pleasant surprise, because it appears to be a paranormal thriller with a mix of erotica into it. The main character Andy Sutton is a fabulous character, who struggles with his supernatural half. He was bitten and turned into a werewolf and knew he had to leave his loved ones behind to keep them save. The only thing that keeps him going is his job and his best friend’s 600-year old wizard Suarez and his 400-year old girlfriend Zan, who both live in the supernatural realm. He hates his boss Scanton and he also isn’t fond of Lucifer himself and it appears to be mutual.
During the whole book we are switching between Andy’s point of view and that of Stepan, the vampire’s sidekick. At the beginning I really thought that was odd, because you would have expect to see the murders through the killers eyes, but it all makes sense when you are further in the book. Stepan is human and has been in the vampire’s service for quite awhile now, he doesn’t mind this position but that is changing when he meets the love of his life.
The storyline is fabulous and I found myself reading more and more, just to see what was next. The ending was good, but has an opening to another book and I really hope this author is going to write another book with these characters. I really think the story of Andy Sutton is not finished and I would love to find out more about human detective Isabelle, the woman Andy finds himself attractive to. It appears she is not completely who she says she is.
3 dagen geleden
Great review Natasja, never heard of this author before, but it sure calls my name.
Thanks, I had the same...never heard of this author. But when he contacted me for a review I couldn't say now.
He told me there will be a sequel, so I'm already looking forward to that.
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